

PhD – ‘Reanimating the Wound: Dermatilliomanic Practice and the First World War’
Goldsmiths College London (Postgraduate)
Cheltenham College of Art


Winner (painting) Year of the Artist. Arts Council 2001–2002 (Messiaen End of Time)
Arts Council award for Painting (Silence)
Welsh board award for Painting
Prize winner, Millfield


Dermatillomania – The Royal William Yard, Plymouth
The Rose & the Labyrinth, Gloucester Cathedral
“New Work Sequence”, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
“Brilliant Corners”, with Sandra Blow & Terry Frost, Newlyn
Contemporary Arts Council, Royal Festival Hall, London
Festival of Light, St Ives (organised by the Tate St Ives)
London Art Group, Barbican, London
Royal Academy Summer Shows
Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
“Critics Choice”, Newlyn
Exhibition with Rose Hilton, Bristol
Royal Academy Touring Exhibition
Beaux Arts, Bath “Breakthrough” with Elizabeth Frink, Victoria Art Gallery, Bath
Mark Burkardt, London
Geneva International Arts Fair
20th Century Art Fair, Royal College of Art
London Contemporary Art Fair, Islington

Professional Societies:

Newlyn Society of Artists, Cornwall
Bristol Axis



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